Monday, May 27, 2013

Gjilani ka nevojë për ne!

Weekend bring us back emotion, heart Gjilan team plays derby match of the week to support Falcon Ulpiana therefore not to miss our boys. As we know it duajme Gnjilane in better days would duajmë even in the days when the club needs more than ever.

At other times outright, TIFFON group 'Falcon' this time will be placed on the rostrum small (usually placed where guests). To members of copies will be 50 free tickets, which give nji Falcon from the old school who currently lives in the west and has expressed a desire to experience once again the powerful voice!
So hurry up and seize your countries in debates because it's time to support Gnjilane ..

Tickets distributed to TIFFON clubi from 14:30
Sunday's hawks! Gjilan FC - FC Ulpijana 15:00

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